NYOA History


In 2011 the New York Opera Alliance was founded when Gina Crusco asked Peter Szep and Cori Ellison to organize and chair the first meeting. Representatives of these 13 companies were present at the first meeting*: 

American Lyric Theater, American Opera Projects, Beth Morrison Projects, Chelsea Opera, Encompass New Opera Theatre, Gotham Opera, Indie Opera Podcast, New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players, operamission, Opera Modern, OperaOggiNY, Underworld Productions, and Vertical Players Repertory. 

The original form was that everyone had to attend the monthly meeting and take turns chairing it:   While there are no stringent requirements to belong to NYOA, we ask that you take on co-chairing two consecutive meetings and/or serve as a meeting secretary at a future meeting.


OPERA America became the fiscal sponsor and began providing support services, and Kurt Howard became the liaison to NYOA. As the alliance gained participants, the need for structure became apparent at the monthly general meetings.


A committee was formed consisting of Noah Stern Weber, Lynne Hayden Findley, Ben Spierman, Annie Holt, Sara Noble, Jessica Kiger, Peter Szep, Nancy Rhodes, Chuck Sachs, Philip Shneidman, and Kurt Howard, to create a decision-making structure for the organization, the lack of which had been an obstacle to progress since the inception of the alliance in 2011. The first EC elections were in spring 2015. A vote was also taken about the annual schedule and it was passed that the EC would meet monthly and general meetings would be held quarterly in October, January, April, and July. They created documents and policies.


The Executive Committee was led by Annie Holt, Chuck Sachs - treasurer, Sara Noble - secretary, with Elizabeth Halliday-Quan and Paula Kimper – members at large, and Kurt Howard. The first NY Opera Fest was held in May-June 2016, with Andrew Ousley and Unison Media PR. At the Kickoff Party, Fred Plotkin was honored with the first NYOA Service Award, and received a fancy box of opera glasses with a plaque. 


The Executive Committee was led by Paula Kimper, Chuck Sachs - treasurer, Sara Noble - secretary, with Alexandra Fees and Peter Szep – members at large, and Kurt Howard. The second NY Opera Fest was held in May-June 2017, with Andrew Ousley and Unison Media PR. At the Kickoff Party, Lauren Flanigan was awarded the NYOA Service Award, and received a fancy box of opera glasses with a plaque. 


The Executive Committee was led by Paula Kimper, Chuck Sachs - treasurer, Katherine Dubbs - secretary, with Maayan Voss de Bettancourt, Alexandra Fees, and Peter Szep – members at large, and Kurt Howard. The third NY Opera Fest was held in May-June 2018, with Andrew Ousley and Unison Media PR. At the Kickoff Party, Anne Midgette was awarded the NYOA Service Award, and received a fancy box of opera glasses with a plaque. 

*2011 First meeting  attendees:

  1. Lawrence Edelson, Cori Ellison – American Lyric Theater

  2. Matt Gray – American Opera Projects

  3. Beth Morrison – Beth Morrison Projects

  4. Lynne Hayden-Findlay – Chelsea Opera

  5. Nancy Rhodes – Encompass New Opera Theatre

  6. David Bennett, Neal Goren – Gotham Chamber Opera

  7. Peter Szep – Indie Opera Podcast

  8. Albert Bergeret – New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players

  9. Jennifer Peterson – operamission

  10. Rebecca Greenstein, Diane Martindale – Opera Moderne

  11. Thomas Lawrence Toscano – OperaOggiNY

  12. Gina Crucso – Underworld Productions

  13. Judith Barnes – Vertical Players Repertory 

Photo Credit: Lianne Schoenwiesner Spotlights Photography